
Mahamadou Diakité

Mahamadou Diakité

Past Core Course:

  • Panel: Malaria Elimination and Eradication in High-burden Countries

Professor Mahamadou Diakité is professor and lab head in the Department of Immunology and Genomics at the Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC), University of Science, Techniques, and Technologies of Bamako in Mali. He has been working on research on infectious diseases since 1991. His research group consists of 30 research staff and students and is based at the MRTC. Professor Diakité’s research focuses on various aspects of infectious diseases, including malaria and emerging infectious diseases. Currently, his group is working on the innate and acquired resistance to malaria in Mali using longitudinal and epidemiologic analyses of children and adults’ immune responses to malaria in Malian villages with different transmission patterns. His work also focuses on pharmacogenomics and P. falciparum genetic diversity in different epidemiological settings. Professor Diakité also serves as the Permanent Secretary of the University Ethical Committee at the MRTC.