
Marielle Karine Bouyou-Akotet

Marielle Karine Bouyou-Akotet

Past Core Course:

  • Panel: Closing Gaps in Career Mentorship and Leadership Development for Malaria Eradication

Marielle Karine Bouyou-Akotet is professor and department head of Parasitology, Mycology, and Tropical Medicine at the Université des Sciences de la Santé (University of the Health Sciences) in Libreville, Gabon. In addition to academic and training activities at different universities, she is involved in research activities focusing on epidemiology, clinical trials, drug resistance, immunology, and molecular aspects of malaria. In collaboration with national and international research partners, she is also involved in studies on noncommunicable diseases, intestinal parasites, filariasis, fungal diseases, nonmalarial febrile illnesses, and co-infections with HIV, bacterial, or other viral infections. She is also involved in the development of guidelines for scientific networks, research institutions, and/or training organizations, including Gabon’s National Malaria Control Program, parasitic and infectious disease networks, and the University of the Health Sciences. Professor Bouyou-Akotet is vice president of the African Society of Infectious Diseases and a member of several scientific committees and societies, including the African Society of Parasitology, the African Network of Practitioners Providing Medical Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS (Réseau Africain des Praticiens Assurant la Prise en Charge Médicale des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/SIDA or RESAPSI), and the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.