
Christoph Hatz

Christoph Hatz

Past Core Course:

  • Current Malaria Therapy

Christoph Hatz is chief medical officer of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, professor of Tropical and Travel Medicine at the University of Basel, and professor of Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases at the University of Zürich where he also heads the University Travel Clinic and the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaboration Centre. Since 1980, his research interests have ranged from tropical and travel medicine, namely on schistosomiasis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS, to epidemiological and public health research on risk assessment and migration health. His clinical work, teaching and research expertise are based on long term experience from working in European, Asian, and African countries (mainly in Switzerland, Thailand, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, China, and Laos). He is coordinator of the European network for tropical and travel medicine ‘TropNet’ and chairperson of the Swiss expert committee for travel medicine.

He has published in many medical and public health fields, and has an extensive teaching portfolio of courses in Europe, Tanzania, Thailand, and Peru. He earned a Medical degree from the University of Basel and a diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the University of London.

Selected Links

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

University of Lausanne

University of Zürich